
doubtI’ve written a book.

Yep, a full on, 300 page manuscript that I’ve rewritten a good four times. I’ve kvetched, I’ve redone, I’ve rethought, and planned. I’ve spent a good year’s time avoiding the next steps because it involves getting other people to read it. How odd is that? But I’ve recently crossed that hurdle and signed up for crowd-funding so that I can hire an editor, which is no small expense.

The small amount of feedback I’ve had has been mostly positive, though it was put to me that perhaps, having only taken a single writing class, that I was getting ahead of myself, which may be true, but I’m still pursuing the dream. I’ve had to get myself fired up to do these things. A few positive signs here and there keep me going, but I have to say, today I’m hitting a doubt patch.

It’s been a long time since I’ve tried to read a novel just because every book I’ve read lately has had to do with either mental health, writing, publishing, or other non-fiction subjects. Today I started one I’ve been wanting to read for a long time.

Within a few pages, I noticed myself dissecting sentences, picking out and repeating similes, obsessing over structure and taking note of how the scenes opened, the portraits were painted, the wonder of the plot, and I was reminded why I love to read. It also came to my attention that my work is generally not something I would read. I started to compare. It didn’t turn out well for me.

I tend to get intimidated when faced with other people’s work. God knows, that’s how I ended up dropping most of my art classes in college. Painting: someone drew better so what was the point? Out. Writing: someone wrote better, the same. Music, film, photography, all ended the same way, though I still do all of those things in secret because I’m driven to.

When it comes to the book though, I want so much for it to be good. Of course, that’s  the point of an editor, to polish. I know my idea is good. I know that there’s something there, I’m just not sure I’m clever enough to write it. I can’t help but think that there’s someone out there who could write my story better, which is a toxic thought really. What came out of me is mine alone, but comparisons are making me doubt.

I’m terrified of having the review come back bad. I’m scared that I can’t do it, but behind all of that there is this need to try. Of course it’s horrid right now. It’s my first attempt at a book, but if I don’t go all the way with it, I know I’ll never forgive myself. I’ll sit and wonder what could have been if I hadn’t been so intimidated, so afraid. I suppose my fear is that it won’t be as good as it could be, that I can’t adequately translate what it is I see in my head, and that is frustrating. I also have trouble handling criticism. I take it as a sign that I’m just not good enough, not to try harder and work on it, but to just quit. Not helpful.

My big dream is that someone, and hopefully more than one, will truly like the story. That’s all anyone who writes really wants in the end, for something we make to translate into someone else’s experience, for the story to be meaningful to someone; a little bit of their life that was considered time well spent and enjoyed.

I suppose my lesson is not to compare. I should celebrate that I wrote a book in the first place, whether it be good or bad, it’s an achievement. I’m just never satisfied with small victories. I need to get to the next step and not stop until it’s the best I can do and all I can do. Then I can truly say I’ve tried. I just wish my brain would get out of my way. In the meantime, I really wish I could sit and enjoy this book! I’m going to try again…

Day 19: Interlude

gone-with-the-wind-exit-music-title-stillWhat are some lyrics that describe what you’re going through right now?

Funny coincidence. I was just realizing that I keep listening to my divorce song this week. It’s a painful reminder but apt. Yes, I know, I’m still going on about being “friend-zoned” but it being at the level of Severus Snape, I think I’m allowed a little bit of wallow time. Everything else seems to be clearing up. I’ve mended some issues with friends, gotten along better at work, have some new support, a new car, gifts to wrap, but sitting there in the middle of it all is the damned rejection that’s eating away at me. If I read the word “friends” one more time I swear I’m going to be driven to gouge out a major organ. Yes, nothing is supposed to have changed. As we always have been, we’re friends…(ugh!) but there’s still mourning the death of my hopes and they were mighty big ones.

I’ve been waiting forever to find someone who fit so well with me. We made big plans. I meant them. I’m starting to wonder if there were any true feelings on the other side of this. Given how easy this has all been for him, well…I do wonder if anyone is ever going to have pain for my absence, if anyone will ever miss me. Anyway, it all fell into place so well in the beginning and now I have to watch it all spin down fate’s unforgiving drain. It’s all my fault. This “condition” I have makes me really hard to live with. The fact that what’s supposed to be such a small shift has sent me so far off the scale with suffering is a clear sign of the extreme effect. It’s the huge fear of abandonment that’s the center of this disorder and it’s been tripped big time. It may not even be about him, but the fear that was engaged by the event itself. After it passes, I may be able to sensibly say to myself that it’s all fine, that nothing has truly changed and get on with my life as it has been, just sans false hopes. So, on to the song…a condensed version because there’s no need for repeats…

During every big “relationship change” I’ve had, it’s always Evanescence that captures perfectly my feelings. “Missing” is the go to song. It’s apt from beginning to end. Every time. This time. It’s on repeat right now…


Please, please, forgive me
But I won’t be home again
Maybe someday you’ll look up
And barely conscious, you’ll say to no one
Isn’t something missing?

You won’t cry for my absence, I know
You forgot me long ago
Am I that unimportant?
Am I so insignificant?
Isn’t something missing?
Isn’t someone missing me?

Even though I’m the sacrifice
You won’t try for me, not now
Though I’d die to know you love me
I’m all alone
Isn’t someone missing me?

And if I bleed, I’ll bleed
Knowing you don’t care
And if I sleep just to dream of you
I’ll wake without you there
Isn’t something missing?
Isn’t something

Even though I’m the sacrifice
You won’t try for me, not now
Though I’d die to know you love me
I’m all alone
Isn’t something missing?
Isn’t someone missing me?

Day 17 : Fear

woman-screaming-261010-large_newDay 17:  What are five of your biggest fears?

I keep trying to avoid this post. Could it be I fear vulnerability? I’m pretty sure that’s got to be something or this would be easy. Therefore…

5. Vulnerability – While I’m not entirely sure this shouldn’t be higher on the list, I’m pretty terrified of letting people in to see all of my squishy insides. That may seem funny considering I’ve been laying things pretty bare over the past weeks with these challenges, but when it comes to honest to goodness face to face relationships, there’s a pretty big wall to scale…and a moat…and a few sentinels keeping watch… That last guy had the key to every lock but it still took a long time for me to really trust him. Given the ending,  maybe I need another couple of walls…

4. Ridicule – This comes right on the heels of number five. There’s nothing like opening yourself up only to hear confirmation that you’re a giant Dorkenstein. My feelings of inadequacy run deep enough without having them all validated, especially by someone close. No one wants to hear that they aren’t good enough or that their work sucks. Of course, that’s something that comes with being human. We borderlines have pretty thin skin…more like none at all…so criticism cuts deep, and that self esteem train keeps passing mighty fast.

3. Loneliness – It seems rather ridiculous to fear something that you experience every day. However, this is more of a long standing fear that it will go on forever. People can endure anything if they only have the sense that it will end. That’s how I made it through childbirth with no pain killers. I knew the pain would end. My fear is more that my loneliness never will; that I’ll never have a deep and meaningful connection with anyone that lasts. I have some of the loneliest characters tattooed on me. I’m alone most of the time…in my office all day, at night after my son goes to bed. You’d think I’d be used to it but I’m just frightened it will continue like this forever, and that is an unbearable thought.

2. Abandonment – More awful than having no one is having someone you care for and losing them. There’s no greater pain and in this particular illness, it’s a HUGE piece of the puzzle. I don’t know if it’s chronic instability that makes us need to hang on to people but the thought of someone that I love leaving or forgetting me simply causes a tsunami of fear. It’s extremely hard for me to let people in but once I do and they get past all the protective gear, the thought of them looking around and saying no thank you is a horrifying one. I don’t know where it came from. My mom never left me overnight in the supermarket or anything. It’s just been there for as long as I can remember.

1. My son – No, my son doesn’t terrify me… well, that one interpretive dance was pretty scary…However, something happening to him does. It’s the biggest fear I have because not only does it mix losing the most important person in my life and hit me at my most vulnerable, as it does all parents, but it hints at something beyond my control. I can’t protect him 24/7 as much as I wish I could. I’m also scared that by virtue of how I am, he will learn the same faulty coping mechanisms and become unhappy and fearful himself. I want my son to be much happier than I am, and so far, he really seems to be, but, on occasion, I see hints of my anxiety, my self-loathing, my impatience, and an inability to deal with less than perfection. While I never pressure him on any of these things and try to reinforce the things my therapist teaches me, he is, after all, mine. His programming comes half from me. He lives with me. His childhood is filled with memories of my reactions both good and bad. The last thing I want to do is scar him for life and turn him into a neurotic mini me.  I’m truly trying to turn the helm to healthy for him. I can only hope I’m successful.

Today has been a challenging one. I’ve had one of my “Old. Alone. Done For.” days where the alone fear really sunk in. Time is mercilessly marching on and I need to face every one of these things head on. We shall see if I or the crocodile will win. Tick Tock…